Silverweb Terms and Conditions

This agreement is between Silverweb, hereafter referred to as ("the Provider"), and the authorized person/company/entity, hereafter referred to as the "Customer". By using the Provider's website, hosting, and design services, you agree to the following terms and conditions.

Conduct that violates South African Law, regulatory conditions, and/or the accepted netiquette on the internet is expressly prohibited.


  • Subject to the provisions hereof, the account will be opened upon receipt of an initial Customer Details Form & Debit Order Instruction or completed order form from our websites.
  • This term of the agreement shall remain in force for successive monthly / quarterly / bi-annually / yearly periods as agreed, at the then applicable rates or fees, unless written notice of cancellation is received from Customer giving 1 calendar months' notice for services offered.
  • This amount is non-refundable for all services supplied by the Provider, other than the Hosting Service.
  • The refund is only applicable to the Hosting Service and NOT Domain Registration services.
  • The agreement for services rendered shall continue indefinitely and shall terminate on the expiry of the said written notice (refer clause 1.2.)
  • Should the Customer enter into a specified fixed contract for specific web development services rendered then that agreement shall terminate after said period and regular hosting package pricing structure shall continue thereafter;
  • Fees for monthly / quarterly / bi-annually / yearly period of services rendered are payable prior to the beginning of each period, not later than the 1st of each month (monthly / quarterly / bi-annually / yearly period).
  • The Customer hereby agrees to pay any and all legal fees, and related expenses incurred by the Provider in the collection of any outstanding amount due it;
  • Should any Customer register for any product or services in the name of the Company and such services not be paid by the Company for any reason, the Customer shall be held responsible & liable in their personal capacity for the payment of any / all services. Should any Customer register for any product or services in the name of the Company and the Company declares insolvency the Customer shall be held responsible & liable in their personal capacity for the payment of any / all services. Should a Customer apply for Debt Relief while subscribed to services of the Provider, the Customer will still be liable for any funds owed to the Provider based on the Debt Relief agreement Should the Customer at any point fail to pay the Provider any amounts owed according to the Debt Relief agreement, the Customer shall then be immediately liable for the full outstanding amounts owed. The Provider reserves all rights to take legal action against the Customer in this regard.
  • Any account whose payment status is not current by the 7th of each calendar month is deemed late;
  • Generally, customers are given a 7-day grace period (Until the 14th of each month) after which the Customer's account may be suspended automatically by the billing system.
  • If the amount due for services charged is declined or dishonoured, the Provider has the right to immediately suspend / cancel the Customer's account and close the account without notice;
  • Re-activation of suspended accounts incurs a reactivation fee of R75.00;
  • Subscription payments may be made by either of the following methods: Credit Card (Instant Activation), Debit Order (Only once we have this information will your account go live), Direct Transfer (Once proof of payment is received will your account go live). Only Credit Card or the receipt of a signed Debit Instruction will allow services to be made live. Payments via Electronic transfer or Cheque will only be made live once payment is cleared.
  • The Provider reserves the right to adjust service charges at their sole discretion. Price changes shall be based on a combination of CPI and electronic communications industry pricing/rate adjustments. Existing Customers will receive 30 days written notice relating to price adjustments for any such services offered.
  • In the event of a dispute between the Provider and the Customer, the Customer is obliged to continue paying the charges as they become due and payable in terms of this agreement. The Customer may not withhold payment for any reason.
  • The Provider reserves the right to provide services to any client. Should the Provider not wish for any reason to provide said services, the Provider may ask the client to move said services to another provider immediately.
  • All transactions processed in South African Rands (ZAR).
  • Payments via cheque is not acceptable.
  • Ownership of goods or services provided by the Provider will only transfer to the Customer once full payment has been made.
  • Costs incurred by the Provider that are either directly or indirectly related to services used by the Customer shall not be refunded. (Eg: Domain Registrations, Modems etc)
  • Should the Customer's account be suspended for non-payment, the Provider reserves the right to place a non-payment page on the Customer's domain.
  • The Customer agrees that the domain / DNS details shall not be changed / modified or moved away from the Provider until full payment is made to the Provider for all services where outstanding monies is owed.
  • If the Customer's account has not been paid in full, the account and all information will be handed over to an external collection agency.
  • The Customer warrants that any and all information (Eg: Banking Details / Credit Card details / Contact people) supplied to the Provider is correct and that the Customer has the right use said information. Should the Customer use information illegally, the Provider has the right to take appropriate action against the Customer.


  • The Quotations sent out by Silverweb are general quotations and do not include any specific coding customizations unless specified in the quotation. Any Custom Development will be specified to the Customer and the Customer will have the opportunity to reject the Custom development. Should the Customer reject such quotation no Custom Development will be included in the website development. Website Content shall include all content to be included in the Website, including but not limited to textual materials, logos, photographs, sound files, databases, video files and other Website content. All Website Content required to be included in the Website as described in the specifications, but excluding those items that shall be the responsibility of the Customer to supply.
  • Logo files & photographs shall be supplied in the following formats: GIF / JPEG / TIFF / PNG / BMP, written text shall be in [WORD PROCESSOR] format, video files shall be in .AVI, .MOV, .FLV, MPEG format, and sound files shall be in Mp3 file format.
  • Specialized graphic design and/or logo design will be charged for separately from the design work for the website.
  • The Customer shall be responsible for delivering all Website Content except for those items that Silverweb has specifically agreed to create. Customer to supply all Content (in format above) as well as all Meta tags & Meta Keywords for all website pages created by Silverweb. Should the Customer not supply the respective information, Silverweb will insert Global Keywords & Meta Tags but will not be held responsible should these not be suitable for the Customer.
  • Silverweb is hereby authorized to utilize any such subcontractors as may be reasonably required without the express permission of the Customer. Silverweb shall use its reasonable efforts to meet the completion schedule if such schedule is agreed upon. However, the Customer acknowledges and agrees that any changes or deviations in the specifications, site plan, mock-ups, graphics, or any other element of the Website, and Customer delays in fulfilling Customer's responsibilities, include delivering Site Content and promptly reviewing and commenting on completed work will lead to delays in the completion schedule. Silverweb will not be held liable in any way should any delays be from the Customer.
  • Customer shall have a period of 14 days following delivery of the final Website during which the Customer may engage in testing of the Website. The Customer shall notify Silverweb no later than the 14 days following delivery of any items contained in the Website that do not conform to specifications or are not working. In the event that the Customer does not so notify Silverweb within the 14 day period, the Customer shall be deemed to have accepted the Website in all respects.
  • In consideration of the services to be performed by Silverweb hereunder, the following are the payment Terms & Conditions: Should the Customer delay payment, any and all Time Schedules for the website will automatically become obsolete.
  • We split the payment into two. The first 50% is usually taken once you have accepted our quote.
  • The following 50% is taken 30 days after this.
  • Hosting fees and domain fees are payable in full in advance.
  • Payment Terms are Cash on Delivery.
  • Any quotations are valid for 14 days from the date stated.
  • E&OE (Errors and Omissions Excepted).
  • Should the Customer want the website to Go-Live prior to a hand over or completion from Silverweb or if the Customer specifically would like the website to Go-Live, the full outstanding payment will be deemed due immediately. Should the Customer require the login details to the Control panel section of the website, Silverweb will not be held responsible / liable for any faults on the website as the Customer will be deemed to have effectively taken over the website. Should Silverweb have completed their portion of the website and the Customer has yet to furnish content, Silverweb may request that all outstanding monies be paid and the website will be completed as per the quotation when the Customer furnishes Silverweb with the respective content.
  • Should the Customer sign off on the job completion form, the website will be deemed completed and all will immediately be due. The Customer has 14 days thereafter to inform Silverweb of any issues with the website, there after Silverweb cannot be held responsible. Should Silverweb NOT be hosting the Customers website, immediately after the website has been uploaded on the Customers hosting service will the website payment become due. Silverweb will not be held responsible should the website be hacked in any shape or form.
  • The parties acknowledge and agree that all expenses associated with the development process, including but not limited to payment of any licensing fees, software procurement, costs of purchasing graphics, photographs and other web content, materials, supplies, and all other elements of the website development shall be absorbed by the Customer. These costs if any will be explained to the Customer and should the Customer not agree to such costs the respective content etc above will not be purchased.
  • In the event that this agreement is terminated prior to completion of the Website, Silverweb shall be compensated for any and all work that has been completed prior to the date of termination. If no set price is given for work completed, Silverweb reserves the right to cost the work completed based on its standard hourly rate for any work completed prior to termination. This may include but not limited to the design of layouts / templates / graphics / Flash Animation.
  • It is not the responsibility of Silverweb to supply content for said website.
  • Proof reading - It is the responsibility of the Customer to proof read ALL content supplied, Silverweb does not and will not proof read any content as everybody has their own writing styles.
  • It is the Customer's responsibility to pay all outstanding monies within the agreed upon time-frame. Silverweb reserves the right to take further action against the Customer for the failure to pay any outstanding monies for the website design and / or graphic design within the agreed upon time-frame.


  • Notwithstanding the provisions of clause 1.2, in the event that the Customer is not a juristic person, the Provider must give written notice to the Customer not more than 60 and not less than 30 business days before the expiry of the current period. This notice must inform the Customer of:
  • the expiry date,
  • any material changes that will apply to the Services beyond the expiry date, and
  • the Customer's right to either terminate the Service or renew for a further fixed period.
  • Should the Customer not either terminate or renew the Service, the Service shall automatically renew on a month-by-month basis after the expiry of the initial period or any successive period, subject to any material changes set out by the Provider in its notice to the Customer.
  • Should the Consumer Protection Act ("CPA") be applicable to this agreement, the provisions of this agreement shall not be interpreted so as to exclude the Customer's rights under sections 54, 55, and 56 of the CPA, which are admitted only to the minimum possible extent. Unless the contrary is stated elsewhere in this agreement, the Consumer shall have no rights in respect of quality of service, safe & good quality goods or implied warranty of quality beyond those explicitly stated in the aforementioned sections.
  • A transaction (as defined in the CPA) between the Customer and the Provider may or may not fall under the provisions of the CPA depending upon whether certain values set out in clause 2.4 in respect of the Customer ("Threshold Values") are below a certain value at the time the transaction is entered into.
  • The Threshold Values are the Customer's asset value or annual turnover (or such other measurement as may be dictated by the CPA as amended from time to time), and the value against which they are measured is as determined by the Minister of Trade and Industry by publication in the Government Gazette from time to time.
  • Should the CPA be applicable to this agreement or to the relevant Service Order, the provisions of this agreement or of this clause Error! Reference source not found. shall not be interpreted so as to exclude the Customer's rights under sections 54, 55, and 56 of the CPA, which are admitted only to the minimum possible extent. Unless the contrary is stated elsewhere in this agreement, the Consumer shall have no rights in respect of quality of service, safe & good quality goods or implied warranty of quality beyond those explicitly stated in the aforementioned sections.
  • The Provider's duties under a particular Service Order may vary depending upon whether the transaction in question is subject to the CPA, and The Provider will act upon the information given to it by the Customer in this regard. Consequently:
  • The Customer warrants that any statement made to The Provider in respect of its Threshold Values is accurate.
  • If the Customer claims that all the Threshold Values are below the relevant value, or otherwise that the CPA applies to the transaction in question, The Provider may at its instance require the Customer to provide it with financial statements as proof thereof.
  • If the Customer misstates the Threshold Values in such a way that The Provider considers for a period that the transaction is subject the CPA when it is not, all provisions of this agreement that do not apply to transactions subject to the CPA shall retroactively apply to the transaction in question, and the Customer shall be liable for any damage sustained by The Provider resulting from such misstatement.


  • The Customer agrees not to use any server-side program that requires an unusual amount of resources.
  • If and when the Customer's website processing usage exceeds what is considered usual, the Provider shall submit a new pricing structure based on usage, additional server requirements and possible additional hardware needed to the Customer that may be deemed appropriate for such usage by the Provider.
  • If the Customer declines the said structure, then the Provider may limit the Customer's utilization of processing time, suggest an alternative solution, or cancel the User's account at the Provider's discretion.
  • The Provider shall be the sole arbiter of what constitutes an unusual amount of server usage.
  • Violation may result in termination of access to the Provider's services.
  • Websites designed to distribute software and/or multimedia files are subject to special pricing.
  • CGI usage limits are in place to protect other users that may be using the same servers as the Customer, commonly known as Shared Hosting. Any Customer that uses abnormal amounts of resources may be throttled or limited by the Provider at the Provider's discretion.
  • The Provider reserves the right to move the Customer's domain to a different server/infrastructure should the Provider deem this necessary.
  • The Provider reserves the right not to provide services to any Customer that provides any type of gaming, sex, chat, illegal services, or online service that may abuse bandwidth/server resources or may infringe on the quality or service provided to other users on the same infrastructure.
  • The following have been limited by the Provider: Crons, CGI Scripts, etc.
  • The Customer will not run a mail server or send out bulk mailings using scripts within their account.
  • The Provider has limited the size of mailboxes dependent on the type of account the Customer has subscribed to.
  • Should another person within the company or entity of the Customer require login or password and is not known by the Provider, the Provider can request authorization from the Customer who has set up the account before giving out such information. Only when such notification is received in writing will said passwords, etc., be given out.
  • It is the Customer's sole responsibility who they give out the username and passwords to. Should the Customer believe such information has been compromised, it is the Customer's duty to change said information from within their control panel and notify the Provider immediately.


  • The Customer agrees to use all the Provider's services at the Customer's own risk.
  • The Provider specifically disclaims all warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose of quality accuracy & privacy.
  • The services, products and information you obtain on or find, through or in conjunction with, the website are provided voetstoets (as is), without warranty of any kind, either express or implied.
  • Use of any information obtained via the Provider's Facilities / Services is at your own risk. The Provider specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through its services.
  • In no event shall the Provider be liable for any loss, or loss of data, or any other damages.
  • The Customer shall hold the Provider harmless against any claims that the Customer may have against the Provider for any services that the Provider may provide.
  • Should the Customer have any domain-related issues for services that the Provider provides to another user, the Provider will abide by the decisions made by the South African court of Law.
  • The Customer agrees to protect and indemnify the Provider against any and all liability, loss, or expenses arising from claims of defamation, unfair competition, unfair trademarks, trade names or patents, violations of rights and privacy and infringement of copyrights and property resulting from the Provider's or any Customer's use of the Providers services.
  • The Provider will not be responsible for any damage the Customer may suffer. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, or service interruptions caused by its own negligence or your errors or omissions.
  • Use of any information obtained via the Provider's services is at your own risk. The Provider specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through its services.
  • The subscribed Customer to the Provider's services agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Provider from any claims resulting from the use of the service that damages the Customer or any other party.


  • The subscribed Customer to the Provider's services agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Provider from any claims resulting from the use of the service that damages the Customer or any other party.
  • The Provider does not provide technical support for website design, html, cgi or any other scripting that may have been developed by the Customer or 3rd party etc.
  • It is the Customer's responsibility to know at least the basics of web development (of whatever nature) and how FTP and/or publishing functions.
  • You may not compile or install binary files other than the ones provided on the system.
  • The Provider does not make C compilers available for our web clients, and the PERL binaries provided will not have networking support (for example,,, etc.)
  • Should there be any program which the Customer would like added to the available system binaries or scripts please contact the Provider for approval;
  • Violations of The Provider's system or network security are strictly prohibited, and may result in criminal and civil liability. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following: Unauthorized access, use, probe, or scan of a systems security or authentication measures, data or traffic. Interference with services to any "User", host or network including, without limitation, mail bombarding, flooding of email or any spam mail, deliberate attempts to overload a system and broadcast attacks;
  • The Provider does not allow the sharing of cgi-scripting with domains not hosted by us. Any cgi-scripts deemed to be adversely affecting the server performance or the network integrity will be shut down without prior notice;
  • The Provider will not allow any user to undermine or cause any damage in any format what-so-ever to another user of the Provider's services, this is strictly prohibited.
  • Any sub-networks of the Provider and dedicated servers must adhere to the above policies.
  • The failure to meet or follow any of the above guidelines is grounds for account cancellation.
  • The Provider reserves the right to remove any account without prior notice;
  • The Provider will not be held liable for any content that a Customer using the Provider's services displays on the Customer's website etc.
  • Should the Customer rent an IP address from the Provider this IP address remains the sole property of the Provider. The Provider may request from the Customer as to why the Customer requires additional IP addresses and for what these additional IP Addresses will be used for. The Provider reserves the right to provide additional IP Addresses as these are in short supply worldwide.
  • Should the Customer cancel its services with the Provider the IP address will automatically return to the Provider and the Customer shall have no rights or entitlement to the IP address thereafter.


  • Ownership of the domain is the Customer's after full payment has been received;
  • Payments for a domain name registration are non-refundable. Once a domain name is registered, the WHOIS database stores the information and is kept there for a period of one year, until the date of renewal ("Domain Parking"). Payment will NOT be credited back;
  • Domain Parking does NOT include Web Space, Virtual Hosting or Email facilities.
  • The Provider shall be indemnified and held harmless by the Customer if the Customer uses any domain name that infringes on any rights of any person / company.
  • The Provider does not guarantee that a domain name requested is available. Should our systems reflect availability this domain, this domain may have already been taken as the Provider is reliant on both local and international whois servers for updates.
  • As the Provider is a reseller of various domains, the Customer agrees to abide by the terms & conditions of the various domain registrars worldwide when registering a domain.
  • Domain registrars charge both a registration fee and a renewal fee, the Customer agrees to pay the Provider fees that relate to the registration, renewal, maintenance or administration of the domain name. These fees are not refundable.
  • Should the Customer misspell a domain name and the said domain is registered, the Customer will be held liable for payment of the domain. No domain registration fee will be credited, the Customer will then have to register the correctly spelled domain name at the cost of a new domain registration.
  • Once an account has been created the DNS entries are created and the ticket for the domain is sent off, this may take up to 24 hours to complete.


  • Each web hosting plan allows for a specific amount of monthly transfer, for bandwidth utilization purposes, a month is defined as one calendar month.
  • Bandwidth utilization is dynamically and continuously measured, sites exceeding their allotted rate will be charged at the prescribed rate per MB / GB bandwidth or automatically suspended depending on the account type (See Users hosting package for further details.
  • Should the Customer not opt to add additional bandwidth to their account the billing system will automatically suspend said account including but not limited to the website and emails.
  • It is the Customer's responsibility to choose the level of transfer rate that their site requires.
  • The Customer shall be responsible for backing up his / her data / files at all times. The Provider will not be held liable for any data / information loss.
  • Upon termination of the Customer's agreement with the Provider, it is the Customer's responsibility to backup and or move all the Customer files from the Provider servers.
  • The Provider shall delete all files / content / information / scripts etc. from its servers upon the acceptance of transfer request of a domain/s to another service provider. The Customer shall have no recourse against the Provider for any files that were not backed up.


  • E-Mail Accounts are restricted to a maximum size dependant on the account option taken. If this space is exceeded, this may result in e-mail being lost, emails being bounced or the Customer's account being suspended.
  • If any Customer's account is generating web traffic considered unusually high, the Provider may require the site to be placed on a Heavy User server either locally or internationally at the discretion of the Provider.
  • The Provider provides email anti-virus on the Providers servers, this anti-virus is updated automatically every 6 hours, the Provider will do its best to make sure that no viruses are passed through its infrastructure but due to the pace of which viruses are transmitted the Provider will not be held responsible should a pass through its anti-virus system.
  • The Provider provides a Spam Filtering system on the Providers servers, it may happen that occasionally legitimate email may be defined as spam or vice versa, the Customer may at any time de-activate this within the Customer's account. The Provider will not be held responsible should emails be deleted or tagged as spam.


  • The cost of launching a PPC (Pay Per Click) campaign from scratch is very front-end heavy. It takes a lot of time and energy to get it out of the gates, however we do not charge an initial set-up fee for Google Adwords or Bing Ads.
  • There’s less risk for the client, as the real management cost doesn’t kick in until the campaign is doing its thing and bringing in revenue.
  • We charge a flat management fee of R200 per month per ad and a 'Percentage of Ad Spend' from 15-20% of total ad spend, depending on the ad budged.


  • Any person that delivers or attempts to deliver any damaging code to the Provider's websites or attempts to gain unauthorised access to any page on this web site shall be prosecuted and civil damages shall be claimed in the event that the Provider suffers any damage or loss.
  • All credit card transactions are Secure Socket Layers encrypted.
  • Customers may click on the SSL or Credit Card Merchant logo to view their security certificate.
  • Issuing of password / user login information, unless the Provider knows the party, NO user login or email or any passwords will be given out.
  • Should an employee of a company require such information this will only be provided once this request has been received in writing from a contact person that we have on record or somebody suitably authorised within the company.


  • The uptime guarantees and the resulting SLA (Service Level agreement)  are applied in monthly terms unless specified otherwise. All SLA guarantees and information listed below are made in good faith and are subject to standard contract remedies.
  • Infrastructure -  Silverweb guarantees 99.9% uptime on service availability to Customers located in our hosting facilities. All computer equipment and related services are served by redundant UPS power units with backup onsite diesel generators. All servers are connected to our redundant gigabit network infrastructure.
  • Hardware - Silverweb guarantees the replacement of failed hardware and hardware components located within our hosting facilities. Silverweb guarantees a failed hardware component will be replaced within four hours of customer notification in the trouble ticketing system. Replacement of failed hardware does not include time required to reload the operating system or applications. Specific guarantees with SLA information is listed below.
  • Support -  Our support methodology utilizes the emergency room approach where problems are graded for severity and responded to accordingly. Service outages of any type always receive top priority followed by service-degrading factors and general questions about server management. This ensures every customer will receive the best support during the appropriate situation. Our experienced support team is available via email and telephone from 08h00 - 17h00 SAST, Monday through Friday. Support issues reported via email or via our trouble ticketing system outside of our standard support hours are responded to and resolved as quickly as possible. The Silverweb infrastructure is monitored by our advanced monitoring system which checks the integrity and stability of our entire infrastructure every 30 seconds. Should a fault occur, our technical staff are notified by sms and email.


  • The Provider's sites are controlled and operated from the Republic of South Africa and therefore this agreement is governed by South African Law.
  • The Customer may not at any time use the service in contravention of any South African law & consents to the jurisdiction of the High Court of South Africa;


  • The Customer agrees to abide by the generally accepted terms of Netiquette.
  • These Terms and Conditions supersede all previous representations understandings or agreements and shall prevail notwithstanding and variance with terms and conditions of any order submitted;
  • Use of the Provider's services constitutes acceptance of these Terms and Conditions;
  • The Provider owns the content, graphics, trademarks, meta tags, domain names, hyperlinks, patents and source code for their websites. The content may not be copied, modified, redistributed or republished from this website without the express written consent of an authorized person from the Provider.
  • No person may use, reproduce or distribute the intellectual property of the website or the Provider in any manner whatsoever without the prior written consent;
  • Should the Provider fail to enforce any condition of this agreement, all other conditions of this agreement shall remain in force within the provisions of South African law.
  • This agreement sets forth the entire agreement and understanding between the parties and merges all prior discussion between them. The Provider reserves the right to add, delete, or modify any provision of this Policy at any time without notice. This agreement may not be modified except by the written consent of the Provider.


  • Site suspension notices will be issued via email, 14 days, 7 days and 24 hours before suspension.